In a follow-up on the cyclospora outbreak in the United Kingdom, the Head of Travel and Migrant Health at Public Health England reports more cases.


Dr Katherine Russell said, “We continue to see high numbers of Cyclospora cases being reported. A total of 320 cases have now been reported since 1 June, with 230 reporting travel to Mexico (94 from England, 122 from Scotland and 17 in the rest of the United Kingdom).

“Cyclospora is transmitted through consumption of contaminated food or drink. We strongly recommend travellers maintain good food and water hygiene at all times when visiting Mexico even if staying in high-end all-inclusive resorts. If possible, choose freshly prepared food that is thoroughly cooked and served piping hot. Certain foods should be avoided such as fresh uncooked berries, unpeeled fruit and salad items as these can be difficult to clean.

“After returning from Mexico if you have any symptoms such as watery diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, stomach cramps or pain, bloating, increased gas, nausea, fatigue and other flu-like symptoms seek medical attention and tell your GP about your travel history.”

Cyclospora oocysts
Oocysts of C. cayetanensis viewed under differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy.
Image/CDC DPDx