Children, adolescents and young adults between the ages of 9 and 21 now receive the HPV vaccination free of charge. From February 1st, 2023 you can get vaccinated by family doctors, vaccination centers of the federal states, school vaccination campaigns or as part of military service.


The  HPV vaccination is now part of the free vaccination program . It offers protection against nine types of HPV and covers the high-risk types with the highest carcinogenic potential. It is recommended for all children and young people aged 9 and over.

“With the free HPV vaccination, we save hundreds of people in Austria from cancer every year and save many lives. This is a milestone in Austrian health care.” – Federal Minister Johannes Rauch

90 percent of cervical cancer cases are due to HPV . It is the second most common form of cancer in women aged 15 to 44 in the EU (after breast cancer). Every year in Austria between 400 and 500 women develop cervical cancer. Men also struggle with genital and throat cancers caused by HPV .

HPV is transmitted  through skin-to-skin contact. Contraceptives such as condoms do not protect against infection. An infection can go unnoticed and only lead to a disease many years later.