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Medical director of Saint Joseph Hospital in Kamanyola village in the Nyangezi health zone in Walungu territory in South Kivu province, Masiya Charles, said a cholera epidemic has been declared in Kamanyola as seventy-four (74) cases of cholera including one death were recorded since the last week of August.

Public domain image/Dartmouth

He specifies that cases are increasing every day and fears an overflow in health structures.

The difficulties are there. Especially those of awareness. But we see that people are starting to take the risk of contracting this disease seriously,” he said.

However, he specifies that a private center for the treatment of this disease has been built within his hospital.

The cholera epidemic is affecting several corners of South Kivu. It is notably in Shabunda where this epidemic was declared on September 1 after the recording of more than 60 cases including 11 deaths in two weeks.

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