In a follow-up on the meningococcal disease C outbreak in Fiji that was declared one month ago, The Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MoHMS) is reporting a total of 46 cases from January 1st to April 12th , 2018.

Fiji map/CIA
Fiji map/CIA

Of these, 22 cases are laboratory confirmed, and 24 are either suspected or probable cases. All cases were in the ≤ 19 age group. Four deaths have been confirmed and two fatalities are suspected.

The Ministry, through the National Meningococcal Disease Taskforce, continues to coordinate the response to the outbreak, including strengthening surveillance, laboratory diagnostics, clinical management, public health interventions and risk communications.

Meningococcal C vaccination (with ACWY conjugate vaccine-Menactra) was conducted from April 5th for students of Navesau Adventist School.
