By NewsDesk  @bactiman63

In Norway, the Institute of Public Health, or Folkehelseinstituttet reported today monitoring data and modeling show a decrease in the spread of infection over the last three weeks.


2,500 cases have been reported in the week ending December 5, a decrease of 14 per cent compared with the previous week when 2,921 cases were reported.

Officials say there is every reason to believe that the decline is due to the overall effect of the measures that have been implemented. However – the situation is still unstable with the danger of a new increase, and it is therefore still important that everyone follows the general infection control advice.

There are still large geographical variations–Oslo and Viken had the highest incidence while Rogaland, Trøndelag and Nordland have the lowest incidence.

There were 21 deaths reported last week.

There is a need for sustained strong efforts to reduce the spread of infection in Oslo and Viken at the same time as municipalities elsewhere in the country must detect and quickly gain control of their outbreaks. Testing and infection tracing is the most important measure to stop outbreaks, but targeted or general contact-reducing measures may be necessary as well.

To date, Norway has reported 39,163 total cases, including 361  deaths.