A new medical specialty, travel medicine, emerged in the 1980s in response to the health needs of increasing numbers of international travelers-The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual.

According to the World Tourism Organization, there were >1 billion worldwide international tourist arrivals in 2013, an increase of 5% from 2012 and >57% from 2003. In 2013, US residents made >61.5 million trips with at least 1 night outside the United States. The importance of protecting the health of individual travelers, as well as safeguarding the health of the communities to which they return, cannot be overstated.

Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Global Health at the University of Washington and recognized expert in Tropical medicine, Christopher Sanford, MD joined me on the Outbreak News This Week Radio Show to discuss a number of travel health related issues to include vaccines, malaria, yellow fever, traveler’s diarrhea and others during the segment.

LISTEN to the interview below:

The Outbreak News This Week Radio Show, the first and only radio program dedicated to infectious disease and health news and information, airs every Sunday at 8 pm ET in the Tampa Bay area on AM 1380 The Biz and online at http://1380thebiz.com/

Other interviews of interest: 

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