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The Vice Minister of Promotion, Epidemiological Surveillance and Traditional Medicine, Max Enríquez, urged the population this Thursday to take their children to the nearest health center in their region to combat whooping cough and expressed concern for the department of Santa Cruz, which has 21 municipalities affected by the disease.

Image/Robert Herriman

Enríquez explained that in Bolivia there are 789 cases of whooping cough, of which 740 are in Santa Cruz, while Beni has 42, Chuquisaca 4, La Paz, Oruro and Pando with one case, in these last departments he said, the disease is already controlled.

Enríquez remarked that the only method to reduce and stop the disease is to vaccinate children with the complete scheme in order to avoid fatal outcomes and reiterated that the vaccines are available in more than four thousand health establishments in the country, in addition there are brigades that house to house in various regions.

The vice minister reiterated that the national government mobilized medical brigades to search for cases in Santa Cruz and in other departments, work that must be replicated by the Departmental Health Services (SEDES), mainly in the eastern region.

“For whooping cough we have the pentavalent vaccine that is applied at two, four, six months, a year and a half and four years, but we have incomplete schemes, they have stayed with a single dose in many cases, many of these children in 2020 They have no longer received any more doses, therefore 5 years have passed and what remains is to make a diagnosis for their treatment, we can no longer vaccinate in these cases,” he pointed out.

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