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In the period between epidemiological week (EW) 31 of 2022 and EW 16 of 2023, 1,642 cases of chikungunya fever were registered in Argentina, of which 1,001 are autochthonous, 347 are in
investigation and 294 are travel related (imported).

Aedes albopictus/FotoshopTofs

To date, eight jurisdictions have reported autochthonous viral circulation of chikungunya fever
in its territory: the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), and the provinces of Buenos Aires, (Pergamino, Quilmes, Almirante Brown, San Martin, Berazategui, La Matanza, Tres de Febrero, Merlo, Avellaneda, Florencio Varela, Morón, Esteban Echeverría, Lomas de Zamora, Moreno and Vicente López), Córdoba (city of Córdoba, Morteros and La Calera), Chaco (Resistencia), Corrientes (city of Corrientes, Paso de la Patria and San Luis del Palmar), Formosa (city of Formosa, Tres Lagunas and Las
Lomitas), Salta (El Galpón), Santa Fe (city of Santa Fe and Rosario).

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Lastly, on April 4, the first case of vertical transmission of the Chikungunya virus was reported in Argentina, in the city of Rosario, province of Santa Fe. To date, the child is doing well.