By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

The Health Surveillance Unit (UVS) in Honduras reported an additional three mucormycosis, or “black fungus” cases on Friday, bringing the total cases to 15 in a country that would normally see one or two cases.


“We had declared 12 cases of mucormycosis this week and that made us move to the hospitals to carry out investigations, (where) we were able to verify that there are 15 cases of mucormycosis already in the country,” head of the UVS, Karla Pavón said.

She noted that the number of cases of mucormycosis registered in the Central American country is “something unusual”.

Of the total number of confirmed cases of black fungus, which has been detected in patients with very specific pathologies who have contracted COVID-19, 10 have died from this cause, she added.

Pavón urged the population to get vaccinated against the coronavirus and maintain the biosecurity measures recommended by the health authorities to prevent the spread of the virus.

The official said that people with diabetes are those who have the highest risk of contracting infection from this type of fungus.