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In a follow-up on the first cholera case reported in Lebanon since 1993, the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health reported on Monday 14 cholera cases in Akkar Governorate, which shares a border with Syria, with another 41 cases under investigation.

Public domain Image/Sanjay Rao

Five of the infected had contact with the 1st infection that was recorded last week, while six patients had mild symptoms that are being followed medically.

Lebanon registered on Thursday the 1st cholera case in a Syrian refugee, the 1st in Lebanon since 1993.

In neighboring Syria, the cholera outbreak has now spread over most of the country, affecting 13 of the 14 governorates of the country.

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More than 13,000 suspected cases have been reported, including 60 deaths. With limited testing capacities, and a largely dysfunctional health system, the number of cases remains difficult to ascertain and is estimated to be significantly higher.