“I fell down the deep, dark rabbit hole of chronic Lyme disease sometime during the summer of 2014. My headlong descent was not by choice. No awakening ever is.


Without warning, I was forced into a painful and unending journey into the abyss of a disease I knew nothing about … [one] that had invaded our lives like a brutal, unsympathetic terrorist.”

This is the intro of my soon to be released memoir LYME MADNESS. While my son is now recovering (four years later, including the 18 months that it took to attain a proper diagnosis), I remain in the rabbit hole — overwhelmed and sickened by what we have experienced in these past four years.

How I long for the days to ‘unsee’ all that I have seen.

I long for the days when I thought that the medical system was merely flawed and had no idea just how corrupt, twisted and broken it really is. I long for the days when I believed that most doctors actually cared about their patients’ health and well being and weren’t as influenced by the powers that be as they clearly are. I long for the days when I thought that in this first world country, you would get support and attention for a medical crisis, without question.

In these past four years, I have experienced and been deeply affected by the stark reality that this is not the case. Not for us. And not for millions of Lyme sufferers worldwide.

Being resourceful and able, we continue to discover many medical work-arounds in order to help my son recover — from his initial acute stage of illness to a place of healing, with no thanks whatsoever to the allopathic medical community. For so many, this is not possible. Many Lyme sufferers go with little to no medical intervention because they simply can’t afford it. Finding a doctor who will agree to treat you in the first place and who will do so with any modicum of success requires a tremendous amount of sleuthing, knowledge, perseverance, and financial means, along with a great deal of time and effort. When you are sick and infirm, this is work that you’re just not able to do.

So I advocate for those who are voiceless. I feel compelled to do so. I speak out against the unconscionable actions of a political and medical system that is supposed to be acting in our best interest and is NOT. I cannot sit idly by.

Last week, I was invited to be on a radio show called Outbreak News with host and microbiologist Robert Herriman. The interview was long and intense. I was asked to explain why the CDC, the IDSA and all of the medical professionals whose job it is to support chronic Lyme sufferers do not. Not an easy question to answer because the reasons are multi-layered and complex and because I have to hold back in order to protect myself and my son from the repercussions of speaking out. I wish this were not the case.

Immediately following the interview, a CDC/IDSA shill who was clearly not courageous enough to reveal his name or credentials, posted some highly defamatory comments about me. Many of my fellow Lyme advocates responded, refuting his nonsense. What he may not realize is that his libellous and untrue comments actually served to reinforce our collective position that we are in fact up against a four decade old fortification of falsehoods and misinformation, denial and mockery that we are continuing to battle every single day.

It’s a hard won battle. A battle that we all have to continue to fight if we care about preserving our rights and our sense of humanity.

Lori Dennis is the author of Lyme Madness™ coming soon on Amazon.

Visit my website –www.lymemadness.caBe one of the first to know when Lyme Madness is ready for purchase – www.lymemadness.ca/book-launch/

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