By NewsDesk  @bactiman63

Trinidad and Tobago health officials reported eight additional people tested positive for COVID-19 Friday, bringing to total positive since Mar. 12 to 7097.


A total of 125 deaths have been recorded related to COVID-19.

Earlier this week, officials announced update protocols for people arriving into Trinidad and Tobago from the United Kingdom (where the time between the date of departure and the date of arrival into Trinidad and Tobago is 14 days or less).

  1. A negative PCR test is required within 72 hours of traveling (necessary for all persons entering at this time.
  2. A mandatory 14-day quarantine period to spent in a state or state supervised facility.

This deviates from from travel from other high risk countries which remains at 7 days in a state or state supervised facility followed by 7 days home quarantine.

All other protocols remain the same.