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The City of São Paulo has reported 2,015 cases of dengue fever year to date, which is the highest number of records of the disease [for the period between January and March] since 2019.

Image by Iva Castro from Pixabay

This prompted action by officials to actions against the dengue mosquito. The intensification of actions to block the mosquito that transmits dengue (Aedes aegypti), carried out between March 27th and 31st by the Municipal Health Department (SMS), resulted in 62,393 properties visited, in addition to 65,597 properties worked on nebulization.

In all, 2,061 endemic disease agents from the Health Surveillance Units (Uvis) of each Regional Health Coordination (CRS) participated in the action, which aimed to slow down the proliferation of Aedes aegypti in areas with the highest numbers of new cases of dengue. The districts of Cidade Tiradentes, Itaquera, Ermelino Matarazzo, Guaianases, Itaim Paulista, São Miguel, Vila Maria/Vila Guilherme, Santa Cecília/Sé, Butantã, Capela do Socorro, M’Boi Mirim, Campo Limpo, Lapa/Pinheiros, Santo Amaro/City Ademar and Parelheiros.

In 2023, so far, 1,256,080 actions were carried out to prevent the Aedes aegypti mosquito in the city of São Paulo, with 317,175 house-to-house visits (between routine and intensification), 12,220 inspections of special properties and strategic points, 895,875 actions of blockages of breeding sites and nebulization, among other specific activities. In 2022, around 5 million actions were carried out.

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The coordinator of Health Surveillance, Luiz Artur Caldeira, points out that actions to prevent and combat dengue occur continuously in all regions of the city and are carried out by the 28 Uvis. “This is one more of the city hall’s strategies to combat dengue. The teams are committed to intensifying the blockade in those neighborhoods where the incidence of new cases of the disease show a greater risk of mosquito proliferation”.